






注音(1)ㄌㄡˊ ㄌㄨㄛˊ


漢語拼音(1)lóu luó


筆畫lóu luó


  1. 我嘍囉了一天,終於完成了這個任務。
  2. 嘍囉一下,這件事情我還需要再考慮一下。
  3. 他總是嘍囉著不停地說話,讓人聽得有些煩。
  4. 嘍囉著,我們應該把握機會好好學習。
  5. 她每次都會嘍囉著問候大家,讓大家感到很溫暖。
  6. 嘍囉完畢之後,我才發現自己說了很多話。
  7. 嘍囉著,我們應該敬重長輩,孝順父母。
  8. 他從不會嘍囉什麼,但他的行動比言語更有力量。
  9. 嘍囉一陣子之後,我開始注意到周圍的細節。
  10. 在我嘍囉的時候,他一直在認真聆聽,讓我很感激。






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bartle, Richard. Designing Virtual Worlds. New Riders. 2003: 102. ISBN 0-13-101816-7. What's more of an issue is the presence in the virtual world of virtual creatures. These are commonly known as mobiles30 (mobs for short), and they represent the monsters and non-player characters who inhabit the virtual world. [...] 30From MUD1, "mobile objects." I called them that because creatures moving in a controlled but unpredictable way are like the kind of "mobiles" that hang from ceilings. Well, I was in kind of a hurry... 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Shah, Rawn; Romine, James. Playing MUDs on the Internet. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995: 93–94. ISBN 0-471-11633-5. One of the major types of objects that you will encounter on a Mud is the mobile. A mob (pronounced MOHb, not MAWb), or mobile, is a computer controlled creature. [...] If a mob is not friendly, it is known as an agg or aggressive mobile. It will hit you at the first opportunity, even the instant you walk into a room. A majority of Muds have dumb mobs. A dumb mob will fight you until you kill it or flee from it. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Maloni, Kelly; Baker, Derek; Wice, Nathaniel. Net Games需要免費註冊. Random House / Michael Wolff & Company, Inc. 1994: 213. ISBN 0-679-75592-6. mob or mobile ..... a monster in the game 
  4. ^ Towers, J. Tarin; Badertscher, Ken; Cunningham, Wayne; Buskirk, Laura. Yahoo! Wild Web Rides. IDG Books Worldwide Inc. 1996: 140. ISBN 0-7645-7003-X. mob = mobile (This is jargon for a monster or creature.) 
  5. ^ Hecht, Eliah. The compleat WoW abbreviations. WoW Insider. 2007-02-20 [2010-03-25]. (原始內容存檔於2009-08-31). Mob: Short for "mobile" (derived from MUDs, where any NPC was either a stationary shopkeeper or mobile; see WoWWiki), this refers in WoW to NPCs, primarily NPCs that are meant to be killed. 
  6. ^ Carton, Sean. Internet Virtual Worlds Quick Tour. Ventana Press. 1995: 175. ISBN 1-56604-222-4. Mob A slang term for "mobiles" or monsters on a virtual world. Monsters are non-player characters who roam the world. Often, players reach a higher level by fighting and killing monsters. 
  7. ^ Bartle, Richard. Designing Virtual Worlds. New Riders. 2003: 301. ISBN 0-13-101816-7. One consequence of this is that quest rewards and mobile drops should be variable, too. Who'd want to risk life and limb for 20,000 UOC if it wasn't enough to buy an arrow? Yet how do designers make these price rises occur rationally in such a way that unscrupulous players can't screw over the system? 
  8. ^ Busey, Andrew. Secrets of the MUD Wizards. SAMS Publishing. 1995: 295. ISBN 0-672-30723-5. Monsters keep players on the go for experience and weapons. 
